Stand Out on Social: Engaging Video Strategies for Shop Owners

As an Artist Shop owner, promoting your merch on social media is essential to making sales and growing your brand. This type of marketing is most effective when it features content that captures attention and engages without feeling like just another ad. Creating promotional content that feels natural and authentic is what makes you stand out on social.

In this post, we’ll show you a variety of Threadless influencer videos that are examples of how to make your Instagram and TikTok videos compelling enough to stop viewers mid-scroll. From a visual and narrative perspective, each of the featured artists demonstrates a different approach to showcasing what you have to offer.

A Quick Hit Approach

Elizabeth Hudy, also known as The Peach Fuzz, shows that answering customer questions can be both informative AND entertaining. When asked if a design can be printed on different merchandise, she responds not with a plain yes or no, but by punching and kicking the text on screen. This playful, energetic approach captures attention quickly, showing that promotional videos can be brief yet impactful (literally).

Modern Marketing with Retro Vibes

Nostalgia is a powerful tool in marketing, and Ben from Atomic Vegans leverages this perfectly. By styling their promotional video as an old fashioned infomercial, they not only capture the aesthetic of their shop’s designs, but also tap into the viewers’ fond memories of the past. This thematic approach is an excellent way to draw people in and create a memorable showcase of your merchandise.

A Behind-the-Scenes Look

Sometimes, simplicity speaks volumes. Painter Ann Marie Coolick lets her art do the talking in a video set in her studio, surrounded by the very tools of her craft. With upbeat music that matches the bright, cheerfulness of her art, the video subtly educates the audience on the artistic process behind the products without any need for a voiceover. This gentle, inviting approach shows how a behind-the-scenes look can foster connection and interest.

A Time-Lapse Teaser

For fans of the arts, the creation process is often as captivating as the final piece. Illustrator Ego Rodriguez shares this creative journey through a time-lapse video of him crafting one of his designs. This peek into the artist’s process not only enriches the viewer’s understanding of the art, but also enhances the perceived value of the merchandise derived from these original works. Stand out on social with videos that show your own process.

An Animated Adventure

Brandon Sines takes viewers on an imaginative journey into the colorful, dreamlike world of his character Frank Ape. Through a creative blend of live-action and animation, his video goes beyond simple promotion to an immersive experience. With his voiceover explaining his experience on the Artist Shops platform, this elaborate presentation also exemplifies how artists can effectively merge their personal narratives with their promotional strategies.

Unwrapping Excitement

James Spooner focuses on the thrill of discovery with an unboxing video. This straightforward style is effective in setting realistic expectations, showcasing the tangible quality of the merchandise, and building anticipation without any frills. Try this approach the next time you order product samples!

Whether it’s as elaborate as an animation or as straightforward as an unboxing video, engaging content comes in many forms. As you plan your next promotional post, remember that creativity and authenticity helps you stand out on social. Keep exploring and experimenting with different content, and visit Creative Resources for more tips on promoting your shop effectively.

Also, don’t forget to tag Threadless as a brand partner on Instagram when promoting your Artist Shop! This can increase your visibility and potentially get your content reshared.

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