How to Run a Social Media Giveaway

Everyone loves free stuff. Whether it’s a follower milestone celebration or you just want to try something new, giveaways are an amazing social media experiment to try. But they’re not just a way to rack up good karma points for giving away cool swag. Giveaways provide an amazing opportunity to build your follower count, email list, brand visibility, and more. Here are a few tips on how to run a social media giveaway, what rules to include in your giveaway,Read more

How to Get Discovered on Threadless

In this day and age, getting discovered as an artist is both easier and more difficult than ever. On the one hand, social media gets your work out there. On the other? The competition is steep. Artist Brian Cook said it best: “Nowadays it is SOOO much easier and creatives have way more control. However, that also means there is a LOT of competition. So the tricky part now is standing out in a sea of other artists.” How DORead more

How to Get More Followers on Social Media

“How do I get more followers?” It’s the age-old question…well, of the Internet age, that is. Now that we can all be celebrities from our couch and smartphone through social media, we find that building up a following is often easier said than done. But while it’s not as simple as “if you post it, they will come”, there are many simple tricks you can utilize to help out. Because more followers means more potential customers to buy your amazingRead more

How Automating Your Social Media Posts Leads to Better Growth

Did you know that every second, about 6,000 tweets are published? That’s a lot of feed-scrolling. When it comes to posting on social media, you have to have some solid content if you want to stand out. And automating your social media posts helps. Think about it; not only does it allow you more time to get creative with your social media posts rather than scrambling to get something up at some point during the day; it also opens you up to a wholeRead more

Holiday Countdown: Important Holiday Dates to Know

Ever noticed how department stores put out their holiday items earlier every year? Besides giving a new meaning to the term “Christmas in July”, from a sales standpoint they’ve got the right idea. Last year, eMarketer reported that by the end of October, “more than half of holiday shoppers have already begun buying gifts.” And according to the National Retail Federation, last year the holiday sale season represented almost 20% of total retail industry sales (!!). This is the time of year that people haveRead more

DIY T-shirt Printing vs Artist Shops

When you’re starting your own online business, choosing which marketplace to go with or which print plugin is one thing. But one question we get asked a lot is, “isn’t it cheaper and easier to do it all myself?” Oftentimes with online marketplaces, stores, and plugins, there is a fee that comes out of your profits. Even with Artist Shops, while shops are free and nothing is taken out of pocket, we have something called the ‘base cost’, which covers printing (andRead more

Your Shop Could be Featured!

Thanksgiving may get all the attention in November, but Small Business Saturday (November 25th) and Giving Tuesday (November 28th) are where it’s at! These two mini-holidays celebrate two of the things that we here at Artist Shops find super important: small, independent businesses (like artists!) and people who add positive vibes to the world by using their profits and designs to donate to good causes. So this year in honor of these two great days, we’re featuring some awesome Artist Shops and yoursRead more

How to Get Your Online Store Ready for the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…especially for making sales! ‘Tis the season to get gift shopping, and because of this, the holidays are prime time for your to get an extra boost in sales and publicity for your store. Here are some tips for how to get your online store ready for the holidays! Update Your Online Store with Holiday Graphics & Sale Info Making a holiday-ized version of your business homepage and social media profile photos isRead more

How to Promote Yourself on Social Media

When it comes to getting your work out there, social media is the ultimate double-edged sword. On the one hand, you can get your work in front of everyone around the world! On the other hand, so can every other online shop trying to sell their stuff. How do you stand out in this vast sea of hashtags and cats? With a little help from our social media expert and master Craig Shimala and Artist Shop owners who are owning promoting themselves, hereRead more

5 Tips for Running a Promotion

Running a promotion seems simple enough. But from the length of email subject lines to using a flat image vs lifestyle photo, there are many factors that impact who clicks what, how good a deal sounds to customers, and ultimately, how effective your sale is. Based on some tricks of the trade that we’ve tried and tested right here at Threadless (after 17 years to boot!), here are 5 things to do when running a sale to make sure it’s super effective!Read more

Introducing The Threadless Podcast!

We’ve talked to host of Creative Pep Talk himself, Andy J. Pizza. We’ve done a post about podcasts all creatives need to listen to. And now, we can add our own podcast to that list! Introducing The Threadless Podcast! I know what you’re thinking and no, the show is not about t-shirts! On The Threadless Podcast, we talk to creatives from all different corners of the artistic world about their craft. And for our debut episode, we talked to insanely talented (and hilarious) graphicRead more

Get a Creative Pep Talk With Andy J. Pizza!

Sometimes, we all just need a good pep talk to get our creativity and confidence into shape. And who better to give that to us than the host of the Creative Pep Talk podcast himself, Andy J. Pizza (a.k.a Andy J. Miller)! Dr. Pizza, as he’s sometimes called, has made a living out of his amazing illustrations and by inspiring and helping artists and creatives from all corners of the artistic world to be their best creative self with a positivityRead more