February Wrap-Up!

In honor of spring creepin’ just around the corner, we decided to get a jump on some of our spring cleaning by organizing some helpful links from around the interwebz for ya! The internet is vast. And it can be hard to filter through which posts are helpful, which are redundant, and which are straight up BS. Sometimes we find resources (blog posts, articles, the occasional funny) that we share amongst ourselves because we find them helpful or insightful. And now, atRead more

What Does Triblend Mean?

A triblend t-shirt versus a regular t-shirt is one of the choices that will come up when creating a t-shirt business or when you’re shopping. When I first started working at Threadless and didn’t know the lingo yet, I kept wondering: WTF is a triblend? If you were to ask me, I’d tell you that a triblend tee is the softest thing you’ll ever touch. In fact, you’ll want everything in your life made out of triblend. But that’s notRead more

How to Build a Consistent Brand

There are many reasons why brand consistency is key. On the one hand, it breeds trust in your audience and, put bluntly, shows you’ve got your shit together. We’ve all come across people who are inconsistent or don’t carry through with what they say – do we ever really trust those people? Of course not! Same with brands. But it goes both ways. Brand consistency also shapes the perception of how your audience sees you by showing them that hey,Read more

How Many Products Should I Have in My Shop?

This is a question that is a surprisingly easy thing to overlook until you’re actually getting your PNGs ready and thinking, “wait…how many products should I have in my shop?” Truth is, there is no one magic number of how many items = the perfect amount of items for your shop. From the audience to the product to the parent site, there are a ton of variables that come into play when deciding the right amount for your shop. So, to cutRead more

The Anatomy of an Awesome Logo

Creating a logo seems pretty easy. But after staring at a blank sheet of paper for a few hours waiting for inspiration to hit, it becomes clear that creating a logo is actually pretty dang hard. The Point of an Artist Logo A logo isn’t just an image – it represents your art style, your vibe, your tone, you as an artist. When you google “logos,” most of what you get are company logos. But your logo isn’t just illustratingRead more

How to Build Your Creative Brand

So I’ll be the first to say it – “build your brand” is one of the most eye-roll-worthy terms ever. It’s one thing to say “just build your brand.” But it’s a whole ‘nother thing to actually do it, and that process sounds more confusing than it actually is — once you break it down. Building your brand is kinda like online dating. Your product is like your profile picture, and what makes that product specific to you is whatRead more

Get Your Designs Ready for Your Shop

You know how sometimes menus have amaaazing pictures of their burgers? And so you order that burger? But what you get looks more like someone stepped on a piece of bread with some soggy meat in it? We don’t want that to happen with your shirts. And hey, if your designs are of food, then we don’t want your food to look like that either. Here’s how to format your designs for your Threadless Artist Shop so that when theyRead more

Welcome to Artist Shops!

Welcome to the Creative Resources – The Artist Shops Blog! Bienvenido, bienvenue, willkommen, 歡迎光臨! We’re so excited about kicking off this new chapter of Threadless. We’ve always been all about getting our community of artists involved and giving artists a solid platform to get their art out there. Artist Shops and Creative Resources is the newest way we’re doing this, and we’re all really excited about this new frontier. But what are Artist Shops? What’s this blog for? What areRead more