How to Use Instagram Stories For Your Online Store

What’s the story with Instagram Stories? When Instagram Stories first launched, it drew an immediate comparison to Snapchat. But several years later, not only has Instagram made Stories its own – it’s given people and brands a whole new way to interact with the platform. Instagram Stories are watchable videos and photos that expire after 24 hours. Recode put it best when they said that Instagram Stories has provided a way for users to stay active with Instagram and share contentRead more

Printify vs Printful vs Print Aura Compared to Artist Shops

From getting little league shirts printed to selling custom tees at a college fundraiser, chances are high that you’ve either ordered or bought shirts that were printed on demand. And as an online store owner, where you choose to have your products printed matters; not just in terms of quality, but in terms of profit as well. But when it comes to print-on-demand plugins that you can use to print your online store’s products, it can be hard to know whichRead more

Add Custom Photos to Your Artist Shop!

Want to spruce up your Artist Shop? Now you can feature your products in a whole new way by adding custom product photos to your shop! With this new feature, you can add photos to your homepage, as well as to any collections in your shop. It’s no secret that when it comes to selling products, images can seriously help boost sales. One analysis of 5,000 e-mail campaigns found that the ones that used images got a 42% higher click rate than those without images. Designs andRead more

Artist Shops vs Redbubble vs Society6: How to Make the Most Money

When you first start selling your designs, online marketplaces can seem like the perfect place to start. After all, sites like Society6 and RedBubble can help grow your audience and make your designs super discoverable, right? But when you take a closer look, it’s far too easy to get lost in the ever-growing crowd on marketplace sites, your customers aren’t yours so much as they are the marketplace’s, and typically? That marketplace host is getting a better chunk of your profits than you are. C’est La harsh realityRead more