Art Trends: Surrealism and the Work of Leonora Carrington

Who comes to mind when we think about Surrealism? Salvador Dalí? Andre Bréton? René Magritte? Or maybe Max Ernst? These are the most common names one associates with the movement. They are the Surrealists we frequently see in museums, contemporary references, and art history books. What about the artists we don’t see? In other words, what about women? It took many years of art history courses for me to learn about women’s presence in art before the late 1940s. ItRead more

Art Trends: The Resurgence of Post-Impressionism

Art movements stem from a desire to break away from the confines of previous artistic conventions. For example, Impressionism is a departure from realism, not only in technique, but also in composition. The expressive brushstrokes of Impressionist works emphasize how light hits the planes of a particular subject. The artists of this movement also created in-the-moment impressions of their subjects, further separating themselves from realism’s true-to-life depictions of the world. Therefore, Post-Impressionism is a departure from the spontaneity and useRead more