How to Deal With Trolls

The saying “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” is sooo 20th century. Because nowadays it’s more like, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, open your computer and say it online.” The internet can be an awesome place for people to connect, share ideas, and get traction for their product. But be warned: here be monsters. When it comes to social media, you want people to happily, helpfully, constructively comment on and share your stuff, toRead more

How Many Products Should I Have in My Shop?

This is a question that is a surprisingly easy thing to overlook until you’re actually getting your PNGs ready and thinking, “wait…how many products should I have in my shop?” Truth is, there is no one magic number of how many items = the perfect amount of items for your shop. From the audience to the product to the parent site, there are a ton of variables that come into play when deciding the right amount for your shop. So, to cutRead more

7 Tips for Creating Creative Social Media Content

Marketing yourself can be the classic “left brain, right brain” balance. On the analytical side, you have a mission: to build your brand. On the more artistic, right-brain side: you want to have fun with it and do it in a way that’s creative. You want your social media to work for you from a seller aspect, sure. But you’re also a creative – not a corporation whose one goal is to shove their product down people’s’ throats. So how do youRead more