In the first installment, we explored the intriguing ways artists transition from the initial spark of an idea to a finished piece in their Artist Shop. The journey from concept to creation is as varied as the artists themselves, and we’re excited to delve further into this artistic exploration. In this continuation, we’re featuring a new group of talented individuals, each with their own unique creative process. Discover how they overcome the daunting blank screen, transform their imaginative concepts intoRead more
Posts tagged: #creativity
Asking Artists: What’s Your Creative Process Like? – Part 1
Previously for our Asking Artists column, members of our community showed us their workspaces and explained the type of environment that helps them get in a creative mindset. But once they’re comfortable at their workstation, how do they go from staring at a blank screen to adding a completed work of art to their Artist Shop? We recently caught up with artists to learn more about their creative process. Read about their routines and how they work through creative blocks,Read more
Art Trends: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Art
Whenever new technology promises to revolutionize the art world, you can sense the anxiety that washes over the art community. Now is one of those times. With the arrival of text-to-image programs such as DALL-E-2 and Midjourney, we’re all currently witnessing the rise of artificial intelligence in art. Many living, breathing artists feel as if their livelihoods are at stake, and understandably so. This is the end of art as we know it. Well…sort of. If it’s any consolation, thereRead more
10 Ways to Recharge Your Creative Energy
Some people say the holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year. They might even knock on your door and sing to you about it. But if you’re in the business of selling your art online, the holidays can be mentally exhausting. There’s so much to stay on top of, and by the end of it all, you might feel like your tank is on E. If you’ve started the new year burned out, being creative can feelRead more
5 (Easy) Ways to Stay Inspired Right Now
Productivity, creativity, inspiration—it’s all happening a bit differently right now. From workshops to shared studios, art museums to neighborhood galleries, your go-to spots for a dose of inspiration are most likely in varying levels of openness. There’s also a good chance physical distancing has changed how you’ve been interacting with your circle of creative colleagues and friends. Which means that staying inspired takes a little ingenuity these days. Luckily, when you approach finding day-to-day inspo as an ongoing creative project,Read more
Promoting During the Shutdown
You’re still making art and designs, you still need to pay rent, but it might feel super weird – if not utterly tone deaf – to actively promote when so many people are having such a tough time. So what do you do? We take your success and well-being very seriously and want to share some resources and tactics that we think might help, while still being very sensitive to the current state of the world. To this end, weRead more
How to Better Manage Your Time as a Creative in 2020
Looking back at 2019, how did you feel about your productivity level? Were you crushing it? Knocking items off your to-do list, achieving goals, and never, ever finding yourself lost down the Instagram Stories rabbit hole? If that’s you, we should be signing up for your life advice! But, if you’re like the rest of us and you have great days, okay days, and the occasional not-so-good day, then we’re here to help you better manage your time as aRead more