In the first installment, we explored the intriguing ways artists transition from the initial spark of an idea to a finished piece in their Artist Shop. The journey from concept to creation is as varied as the artists themselves, and we’re excited to delve further into this artistic exploration. In this continuation, we’re featuring a new group of talented individuals, each with their own unique creative process. Discover how they overcome the daunting blank screen, transform their imaginative concepts intoRead more
Posts tagged: #creative ideas
Asking Artists: What’s Your Creative Process Like? – Part 1
Previously for our Asking Artists column, members of our community showed us their workspaces and explained the type of environment that helps them get in a creative mindset. But once they’re comfortable at their workstation, how do they go from staring at a blank screen to adding a completed work of art to their Artist Shop? We recently caught up with artists to learn more about their creative process. Read about their routines and how they work through creative blocks,Read more
Introducing Ink Tuesday: Month 1 of Starting a Brand from Scratch
I’m the creator of Ink Tuesday, and this past month has been the best of my life. This is surprising, considering this summer I was the most anxious I’ve been in years. I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me. I was just going through the motions of work, eat, sleep, and repeat with very little to look forward to. All those gut-wrenching feelings of self-doubt went away when I decided to start a 365 projectRead more
Art Trends: Abstracting the Human Form
This week, we explore a recent trend that’s not directly related to art market sales. When looking at gallery exhibits and solo shows, I’ve noticed that art galleries and collectors give more recognition to artists who abstract the human form in their work. In other words, they illustrate subjects that read as human, but with unrealistic bodies and/or faces. Meaning unnaturally smooth skin, simplified faces, abnormal limbs, etc. Our brains are able to recognize the human elements, even though theRead more
Why You Should Set Creative Goals for the New Year (and 5 Ideas to Get You Started!)
Now that we’re in January, the focus is on resolutions and the promises you’re making to yourself for the next 365 days. But, this year, we’re doing something different. Eat local, drink more water, exercise more, wake up earlier. Those are all great promises to make to yourself, but we want to dive a little deeper. In 2020, we’re setting creative goals for the new year––creative goals that will help us grow professionally and personally. Why You Should Set Creative GoalsRead more