So, the road so far: we’ve looked at social media channels you should be using, how to frugally use those sites for advertising, and how to make your posts on those channels super engaging. But WHEN are the best times for a social media posts? Minor details, right?
If social media posts are published and no one is around to see it, does it make a sound? And by sound I mean internet buzz that translates into sales, fans and followers. Believe it or not, there are best and worst times to post on social media. The trouble is, depending on your 1: Time Zone, 2: Country, and 3: niche, they can vary a bit.
We looked at this amazing post by coschedule, which gathered cumulative results from various posts and sites to find the ideal times to post on social media, and we compared their findings with what has found to be the best times to post on social media.
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As far as time zones go coschedule recommends using Google Analytics to find out where most of your audience is coming from. That way you can set up your posts to launch at the best times for these time zones. As for the best times?
The Best Times for Social Media Posts
Pinterest & Tumblr
Additional resources for pinpointing the best times – and how to FIND those best times – for posting on your social media channels:
- “When is the Best Time to Post on Social Media?” – Forbes
- “The Best Times to Post on Social Media” – Huffington Post
- “The Science of Social Timing: Part 1” – Kissmetrics
- “The Best (And Worst) Times to Post on Social Media (Infographic)” – fastcompany
- Check out coschedule’s post for nittier and grittier details and for the low-down on best times to post on even more social media sites.
- The Buffer App is an awesome tool to save you time and hassle while social media-ing too!
We’re an artist community built on the power of helping each other succeed — if you’re reading this and have tips of your own to share, please do so in the comments! Thank you!